HS Clarinetists-/. outWIT; outPLAY; outLAST .\
Monday, June 26, 2006
today's practice

hey guys..i'm sure u all are feeling quite sad now rite? for now,the most impt thing is to forget. forget as in the emotions, not what we've learned today, because rmbr? to make good music, one must be in good mood to do so. so pls do cheer up and most imptly....BUCK UP!!! i know u all can do it de, must motivate ourselves to practice more (but don't tire yourself out) the running notes part a..we must overcome our FEAR!!! i know everytime we see semiquavers we would usually think that its veri fast, so we didn't take care of the rhythm or note values. i know we have the ability to change, its whether we would change our mindset abt them. lastly..before i (nag?) keep going on and on.. rmbr.. to.. LOOK.. at.. MR LIM !!! must always remind yourself's to look more often and stop staring at the scores, we shall not let this setback ruin the time we put in practicing those two scores. btw, we are having sectionals this thursday most probably at 3, i'll inform you all thru msg (thought i would write here first) and rmbr wednesday got band practice, starts at 3 also.

didn't expect my first entry to be a essay..sorry abt that =))

P.S: rmbr.. to.. LOOK.. at.. MR LIM.. (not blind looking hor..dun mistake my words)


mummie Faith signing off....


must work doubly hard!

Hey gals,

I'm very sure that all of you were disappointed and angry today right? Just because that the people who worked hard got dragged down by those people who slack (you know who I meant eh?). My heart practically dropped when Mr Lim stormed off cos I was afraid that our song will be cancel after practicing so long. Worse, some people just can't stop talking during combine. Can't they just shut their gap up for once, we beg?

Can somebody slap Jason and tell him to wake up? I wasn't the only one tolerating him for a long time which made me cry leh, Chandhini also okay. Somebody... wake him up in one way or another. PLEASE. Alot of people has been tolerating him.

Anyways, work hard for the 2 songs! Jia you clarinetists! We can do it! And most importantly, remember the flats on the "Latin" score, don't play wrong otherwise we kena.

-huieee signing off with a healing wound! =D


Sunday, June 25, 2006
Regent Concert

hey gurls, rgt de concert ue all wan go as a section muh? den we can go take loadds of piictures agaiin..wahha..i will definitely charge miie digital camera derx...dun worry..haha..we go as a section larx...me n faith mummie got go nehx...all go together okayes?please...cos charLes promise me sae he going our year-end concert lerx..so we muz oso go support them de muh...kayes?cos HS+BN+RGT = ONE BIG FAMILY!!!
haha...oh yea..me now oso planning a band chalet!!woots..haha..ue all wan muh?i nid ask for mr lim de consent 1st cos most probably is bout year end lerx...den i scared nid prepare for concert den nort enuff time...haiiz..but i will try to organise one..but i tiink everyone nid pay extra $$..hehex...i got mr lim's consent den i will ask the band..keke...cya u gurls in school tml..sleep early!!

joEy siigniing off..
take caiires


Thursday, June 22, 2006

YunHan's 5 days early birthday celebration!

We really had a difficult time pulling YunHan to the Humanities wall after dismissal. And the candle wax is dripping already. LOL. The sec3s were abit delayed. The wind was too strong and we only managed to lit one candle! LOL!

Thanks Khim Cheng for the cake! (;

YunHan cutting the cake!

YunHan and ShuanYong!!

Faith feeding YunHan!! =)

After eating our cakes, we went up to the band room to wait for JiaMin.
And we went crazy there. LOL.

The 3rd clarinet peeps.

Joey, HuiYi, JieYing, Eunice, ShuZhuang, Liyin

[TOP] HuiYi, Eunice, ShuZhuang
[BOTTOM] Joey, JieYing, Liyin


Soooooooo cute!! Thank you =)

Draw draw draw.

5 days early birthday girl.

San Duo Hua + Da Hong Hua =)

5 days early birthday girl.

Jackson, Faith, XinHong.

WAHAHA. I love this photo. Look at the stars! Faith, Joey, Eunice!

We decided to leave because people were complaining that they were hungry. So we left without Jia Min. The others board 159 to AMK. HuiYi and i sat together, HuiXian sat alone. Faith, YunHan, Hayley sat together and the others sat at the back of the bus.

I caught Faith trying to take a photo of me and HuiYi!


Our god-mother!

We adopt a god-mother there because we were confuse of what to call her. Some said 'Xiao Jia' Some said 'Aunty'. Then she told us she tutor a Darryl and Darren in our school. Maybe the Darren is the one from the band? She told us she had a daughter which is sec1 and a son which is 20+ years old already. So we start calling her 'gan-ma' [god-mother]

Hungry faces!

Soup of the day : Spring tomato soup! NICE!

Our beautiful drinks! Plus, Siti's food arrived first, ShuZhuang still drinking the soup, And YunHan is trying to align the drinks, and JieYing was trying to pose for the drinks.

Our wonderful food!

Siti's Beef Lasagne

The other's Baked Pasta Neapolian

ShuZhuang's melted pattie

Mummy helping YunHan with her food! How sweet~

Chocolate ice-cream for desert!

A closer view.

Enjoying the ice-cream!

ShuZhuang's vanilla ice-cream. So extra. LOL.

Enjoying the ice-cream again.

Liyin, ShuZhuang, Huiyi

Our ice-cream cups after finishing!

We spotted Mr Lim outside when we were eating halfway!! Some of them went out to call him, but before that, he spotted us! He came in and talk to us and take photo! WEEE.

You can play a game of 'Spot The Difference!' =p

Last but not least, the BILL!

Alright, thats the end of the outing~~

Next time we'll be going Faith's house.

Liyin signing off with a gigantic tired yawn.


Wednesday, June 21, 2006
i'm backkk!

I won't be posting about my Genting trip until I figure out how to get the photos uploaded into my com... GRR.

Anyway, how is the outing going on? Are we going to the beach (like Li Yin wanted), take neoprints (some didn't want to...), or just go to eat at BREEKS! (the name was supposed to be capitalised and with an exclamation mark behind)

Seeya gals tomorrow or TODAY (for those going to Hai Sing concert today).


-huieee signing off with an ugly wounded knee


Clarinet Outing 1

hey guys...nonono..gurls..excited bout tml de outing muh? our clarinet 1st outing..everyone remember to bring at least $40.. we will all have lots of fun tml..haha.. and there will be more clarinet outing..
hmm...go where hao leix? take neoprint some dun like take pictures..so beta dun force them like wad jieying said..haiyo..we go eat.. Breeks? as wad huixian suggested..or eat wad? nvm..tml let faith decide..she lao da muh...everyone muz practiice hard kayes? muz be attentive in band tml later too excited bout the outing den keep toking..wahaha..lols..okok..i m getting crazier.. cya gurls tomoro...

joEy siigniing off
21june2oo6 2:11pm


Monday, June 19, 2006

Don't just remember there's SP concert! Remember there's still a Regent concert too!

Regent Wind Symphony's "Opus 3"
Venue: Victoria Concert
HallDate: 28 July 2oo6
Time: 7.30pm
Ticket prices: $15 and $10
*SMS to 81287990, Stephanie, if interested

Bring $40 if possible. Try to save it during these two days [i know its impossible] But save some at least ok? And, try not to eat some expensive food for your meals, just go to a coffee shop or a kopitiam or maybe cook maggie mee. xP

The attire would be white tee, because we are wearing that for band on that day. We will go straight after band. And people, get ready your throat and voice after dismissal. Because its time to get high! Hehe. Let's do it as loud as possible!! The venue is not confirmed yet. I think we will start to think during band or after dismissal. Any suggestions? [i wanna go beach!] Hahaha.

People like HuiYi and HuiXian who didn't come for today, please, when you come back. Get the M&M Chocolate and Crunchy chocolate bar from our dear FAITH. Ya, if she refuse, threaten her. WAHAHA. And don't reject her like what Khim Cheng did!

Liyin cannot wait. xD


yox..me here again..hahax..wan cum here help miie jie(rafidah) promote larx..



those interested please give me the number of tickets u need by 22 june 2006..no nid pay $$ 1st..
hope clarinet section de can help me..thks..love ya guys loads... <3

naggy de joEy signing off //


to hui xian..
u feeling beta now le muh?ahyo... fever leix..muz faster recover leix..hahax..later 22june de outing u canot cum den jiu nort counted clarinet outing lerx..hahax,,okie larx..
2dae band we play A Leroy Anderson Portrait lorx..den mr lim go thru wif us...hmm...den sectionals fer us almost the whole dae but we were toking..hahax..cos 2dae is brass combine den whole band combine..hahax... dis coming thursdae wear white tee..fall in at 7:45 am SHARP..if not punishment again..hahax..

--take lots of caiires--
joEy signing off //



Can someone tell me WAT HAPPENED today ?Wat must we practice 4 e pieces? And wat 2 wear on thursday...4in by wat time?*now still got slight fever

Well u all can guess who is it..
Hui Xian


Sunday, June 18, 2006

everyone will miss huiyi derx..hahax...will de..all of us will wryte summary on wad happen on 19june band rehearsal..lolx...yea..PURPLE TEE!!! majority wins..wahaha...i wan upload pictures in tetra canp III..can?ahya..juz put larx..neba miiind derx..hhaax..anywhere sec2s oso going next year..muz jiayou lerx...22 june go out after band..still nid bring $40..muz remind me leix..later i forgot..regent concert 'Opus 3'..u all going muh?i going leixx..all go together okaye? ahhax...take caiire everyone..post more here..wee...

--take caiires--
joEy //


Saturday, June 17, 2006
I'll be back!

*counting down*...

7 hours and 37 minutes till I leave Singapore (in bus...) to Genting.

Must miss me arh! =D

And please really tell me what happened on 19 June's band prac.

P.S: are we meeting at Hougang Point again to go to Hai Sing's concert? =S

P.S.S: i won 2 NDP preview tix! xD

- huieee signing off with an ugly wounded knee


Friday, June 16, 2006
you've got a friend

This is the song that's playing on the blog right now.

You've Got A Friend - McFly

When you're down and troubled
And you need a helping hand
And nothing, nothing is going right
Close your eyes and think of me
And soon I will be there
To brighten up even your darkest night

You just call out my name
And you know wherever I am
I'll come running to see you again
Winter, spring, summer or fall
All you have to do is call
And I'll be there, yeah, yeah, yeah.
You've got a friend

If the sky above you
Should turn dark and full of clouds
And that old north wind should begin to blow
Keep your head together
And call my name out loud, yeah
Soon I'll be knocking upon your door

You just call out my name
And you know wherever I am
I'll come running to see you again
Winter, spring, summer or fall
All you have to do is call
And I'll be there, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Ain't it good to know that you've got a friend
When people can be so cold
They'll hurt you, and desert you
And take your soul if you let them
Oh yeah, but don't you let them


You just call out my name
And you know wherever I am
I'll come running to see you again (oh baby don't you know)
Winter, spring, summer or fall
All you have to do is call
Lord, I'll be there yes I will.

You've got a friend
Oh, you've got a friend.
Ain't it good to know you've got a friend.
Ain't it good to know you've got a friend.
You've got a friend.

Next time play game mustn't be so hiong ah, haha. But it's weird though: I've been talking that I wanted to get injured (oh what the heck) when I learned to ride a bicycle or something during sectionals... and it really came true!

Buy 4D also not that true lor.

Goodnight gals! Sleep all you want tomorrow!

-huieee signing off


Local Video/ Our motto.


Meanwhile, i found this near the 3rd floor's girls toilet which is beside the 3rd floor lockers.

Anybody can tell me? WHAT HAPPEN?! LOLs. Its such a coincedence eh?

PS. The outing is confirm, its on 22June [our ex-concert date]. The venue is not confirm yet, and we will go straightaway after band.



Thursday, June 15, 2006

yo everyone..hahax...jiayou fer our concert worhx..klarinet section always rule..wahahax..lolx...okie larx..go outing..go where hao neh?i oso dunno..bleahx.. hamtaro wan go Breeks jiu go lorx..we all will go as a section kayes? dun ps ppl.. miie competition if got wiin den treat onlie clarinet section and Mr Lim eat..shhhh...dun tell ppl..hahax....hao bahx...

==take caiires==
joeyy siigniing off
15.o6.o6 o9:50 pm


SleEp TigHt 2NiTEz...

Yo People!! 2nite must HAVE ENOUGH SLEEP cos Tmr isz PT ALREADY..Tmr report by 7.45am , Attire: PE attire.. nothing 2 say liao so Ja Ne!!!!

SiGniNg OfF..Hui Xian


Tuesday, June 13, 2006

It's advertising in Thailand. It's about one man who want tissue pack for his defecation (shit). But old seller has slow act. Until... the end of the world!!


Little bit of magic on the streets in front of a burger resturant. What happens next will amaze your eyes.


these two korean girls are hilarious! ((:


Liyin. (x


importance of sleep

Please be warned, especially the last sentence.

A man can go two weeks without eating. But if he doesn't rest at all, he can only survive for one week. Sleeping provides us the time to rest our internal organs, eyes and brains. Poor sleep quality can cause internal damage to our internal organs and brains. Therefore, sleeping is very important to us. If you wish to have a long life and stay healthy, please take note of the advice below.

3 DON'TS when you are sleeping

Putting the phone beside your bed or anywhere near you is not encouraged. Though some of us will use phones as alarm clocks, but please put the phone as far as possible. Scientists have proved that electrical items including mobile phone and television sets emit magnetic waves when used. These waves can cause disruptions to our nervous system. Therefore if you need to put your mobile phone near you, switch it off first.

People who sleep with make up might have skin problems in the long run. Sleeping with make up will cause the skin to have difficulty in breathing and problem in perspiring. You will also need a much longer time to go into deep sleep.

You may never wake up again.

- huieee signing off


Monday, June 12, 2006
Jokes/Riddles ;D

#1. Which hand do you use to stir your coffee?
Correct Answer :I use a spoon to stir.

#2. There is a man who has only 3 strands of hair.One at the left , one at the middle, and one at the right. He pampers them alot. One day, He plucked out the middle one. Why ?
Because he wants to open Center-Parting.

#3. A Durian and a papaya drops on your head. Which one pain?
Your head pain

#4. There are 10 eggs in a basket. There are also 10 men. Every man takes an egg. Why is there still one egg in the basket? Every man did take!
The last man took the basket with him. And the egg is still in the basket.

#5. Mum: Son, where do you usually stand in the school?
Son : Usually in the corner.

#6. A black cat met a white cat. What did the black cat said to the white cat?
Cats can't talk, so the answer would be MEOW.

#7. The aeroplane faced a problem. The gas was leaking and finishing! What will drop?
The gas meter

#8. A submarine can hold 4 person. The captain went in, followed by a business man. After that, a fat women went in. The submarine SANK without the 4th passenger. Why?
Submarines are suppose to sink! The 4th person lost his ticket.

LOL. Enjoyed it? That's all for now. In the next post i will put videos! Look forward to it! ;)

Liyin x)



I LOVE THE BLOGSKIN. =D Oh yah, the previous post was done by Hui Xian, haha. Next time when you post, please state your name at the end of your post. Thanks!

Update #1
Concert: Mr Chakrit & Montfort Military Band
Venue: Victoria Concert Hall
Date: 16 June 2006
Time: 7.30pm
Ticket price: $10

*Contact An Chun

Update #2
Concert: Regent Wind Symphony's "Opus 3"
Venue: Victoria Concert Hall
Date: 28 July 2oo6
Time: 7.30pm
Ticket prices: $15 and $10

*SMS to 81287990, Stephanie, if interested

P.S: I'll be away for Genting from 18 to 20 June. Don't miss me arh! =D

P.S.S: Can we get the outing settled soon? =S

- huieee signing off



YEHHHH!!!!!!!! Made my first post on our clarinet blog!!


Sunday, June 11, 2006
our very own blog!

HS clarinetists!

This is our very own clarinet blog!

Let's make other sections jealous of us because we have our own blog and motto:


Let's all work hard together as a section okay? ;)

PS: I'm giving out gummis tomorrow.

- huieee signing off
