lets find out some squeaky reasons...(not mouse)
first time posting. hi all~~
i know that some of you all sqeak a lot, just like me hehehhhh. well its common but its better if you try and fix it,otherwise people will hear unpleasant sounds. very high pitched sounds. so . here are some of the reasons that makes us sqeak:
some of your reeds, they are very soft/thin. if ur reeds are soft/thin,sound will come out very easily and no only you will sound flat but you will sqeak., because air comes out really easily and sometimes, you may sqeak if you just play louder. like just me~~and some of you all~~~your reeds are damaged. please change your reeds if they are chipped because chipped reeds make you sqeak.ya. and its horrible when clarinets sqeak. we ourselves cant bear the sound. so change it. if you often have your reeds chipped, PLEASE TAKE GOOD CARE OF THEM~~~~
some of your embouchures are too tight or too loose.if its too tight,ur lower lip will press against the reed and sound may not be able to go through the clarinet from your mouth because there is no gap between the mouthpiece and the reed and hence,restrcting the tone. this causes sqeaks.so so loosen if you think you are biting tooo hard. its may help.but if your mouths are too loose,air may escape from your gaps from your mouths. and this results to insufficient air to go through your clarinet. ya this causes sqeak too,try to tighten if you are too loose.
some of you all may play the clarinet with a unstable air/slow air speed. this causes sqeaks too. so play your clarinets with a straight air, and faster air speed to let air go through the whole of your clarinet. it can sqeak because there is not enough air~~~ ya and one thing. i found this piece of information on the net that is useful and true. use ur stomach to breathe. i mean breathe deep down, it can help you with more air so you can sustain notes longer. ya.
4.sitting/standing posture.
sitting posture affects your playing.sit up straight. don't slouch, slouching makes you look not really good but it also sqeeze your organs in your body together and this makes air difficult to go to your lungs. sit up straight.air can flow in more easily with your back/posture straight.
some of us puff cheeks when playing the clarinet, don;t puff your cheeks, it shows that there is air in your mouth and the air you exerted into the clarinet is not straight, and air should go through the clarinet,not stay in your mouths. ya. so don't puff your cheeks. it wil sound flat and it looks unglam. so puffing of cheeks are better for puffer fish.
some people got tiny little small fingers. yes they are cute but they are not enough to cover some of the clarinet holes fully. not covering the holes properly can causes sqeak which ergh, everyone detests, so try and feel the holes ya. you will get used to pressing the holes without looking at the holes. juniors, this is a good piece of information. cover the holes properly.
when setting up instrument, try not to turn the screws of your ligature too tight. it may cause squeaks. ya so try to loosen it if you are turning them too tight. ya.
8,instrument spoil.
if you find that your instruments squeak all the time and you fixed what you are supposed to fix, try to consult a more senior band mate to help you check with your instrument, see if theres are key pads that are stuck, or any key that is spoilt.
when playing a accent or a staccato, some of you all will tend to tongue very hard. yes,an accent means strong but sometimes an accent can be done with your air, so is staccato. use ur air to make it sound like a tingue. this way, squeaks may be heard lessen,use air to "tongue" it might help.if you don't know how to use air to tongue,come to me.i might know how to teach you,
10.Mouth muscles
i notice that some of you all leak air from the sides oof you mouths, hmmm.i do that too. try and cose your mouth fully and don't let them escape because it causes squeaks and it may cause air to escape from your mouth and air will then be insufficient for your playing.
above are some of the reasons for you and me to squeak. ya. hope you read about it. i know its long buy try to read it. i got some of these at some useful websites.if there is any typing errors, i'm sorry. ya.